The next set of songs are from Paul’s second solo release ‘PoW’ (Prisoner of War) which are mostly piano compositions. These are explanations and interpretations which will help you get a feel of what the songs mean.

Published on Feb 26, 2015.This is 'Operation Pied Piper' by Paul Eastham from the album Iron Horse. The album is about the history of the steam locomotive and the parts it played on the world stage after its invention. This track is all about the evacuations from large cities in UK and the important role that the railways had to play. The style was very carefully crafted to give the feel of "Brief encounter" and the Rachmaninov soundtrack, mixed with that of John Williams with a "Schindlers list" edge. I hope you enjoy.
You can purchase the album from the link below.

PoW - Prisoner of War
Prologue – Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for I survived the oceans of the world which hath leadeth me into the jaws of hell itself. I tamed the sea. I fought the demons of the deep with my heart, my soul and my undying faith.
Mother, I must go away – “There is no work here, nothing! There's a clipper in dock looking for crew and I, I want to sign up. How can I become a man shoveling excremental waste from animals? Tell me? Father would agree if he was still alive. This malignant soul sucking village crushed his spirit and this is where he died. I swear to God I will not go the same way. I cannot, I just will not! Mother? Mother! I must go away.”

The Clansman – “My Father used to drink here. Everybody knows me unfortunately. This old place has become seedy. It has had many owners but none like those that were here in my Fathers years. It's full of prostitutes, lowlifes and pimps. Opium trade comes through here a lot too which has resulted in a few knife fights and bloody fatalities. It is however my local and I have had good fun herewith my friends. There's an old piano in the corner where John would play some ragtime jazz along with Jacob on the accordion. It turns out that they both signed up too! This is our last drink onshore together but I'm happy that I at least know some of my future crew mates. That's the bell for last orders.”
Down In The Deep – “It has been night for what seems longer than a life time. Stars guide our way as I see their reflected light upon what seems to be the most perfect polished glass. Not much sound, only the sound of wood grinding against metal, grinding against wood every once in a while. Just as I feel I want to give up hope for rest, sleep, anything that stops this feeling of entrapment in a wooden box filled with sky, sea, stars and chilled winds, a dawning sun like no other I have seen before creeps up on the horizon. Highlighting the grain on the wood, the colors of the sea and the ark of the sails that harness the power to our ship. Yes my Lord, I thank you again. For you have been merciful on us in these waters yet another night.”

Prisoner of War - I have some coal and canvas that I have collected from scraps onboard. While there seems to be unrest amongst certain members of the crew, I imagine it could break into a war if left to manifest. I keep myself out of such politics by trying to find ways to draw. I feel perhaps that confining myself makes me a prisoner of war. I must admit, drawing makes me happy. Right now, I am at peace with myself and the world. This picture is of two clippers at sea, much like the one I am living and working on.

The One Armed Rag – “We have landed in Cairo. Drink here is next to no cost. We are to stay here for a week while we stock up on supplies and do some personal trading. I have brought a few things with me that I thought I would need but never used on board. After a few days here it becomes comfortable and the rum flows and flows. We smuggle some extra supplies onboard and get it below deck. Sat in steerage drinking away the rum, we notice lots of furniture covered up in linen and rope. One of the commanding officers is relocating to New Zealand and has brought some of his larger possessions with him including his upright broad wood! Lucky for us he did not lock the lid. John? John! Jacob! Music time.”
Passage to India – “There's something beautiful about the rain tapping on the wood of the ship. I feel Home is another world, another lifetime away, yet, a sense of pride comes over me as soon as I set foot onto the deck. Seeing her sway side to side like a pendulum in slow motion and wind in her sails like giant wings of some prehistoric bird. I think I have finally become a man and the thought that we are in a ship soon to be in India is emotional and overwhelming. I Hope India is all I have dreamed of.”
The Lord’s Prayer - Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Last Stitch – “I cannot lift my head. My heart is so heavy it's pulling my entire body down. Jacob, oh Jacob my dear friend. You took ill on a winter’s night and by cold sunrise you had gone. How could The Lord take someone so young? The surgeon took you below. The priest performed last rights just seconds before the almighty came for you. You are in heaven now and I hope heaven is as blue as the pacific and the sands are as white as the light cast by Yahweh himself. I only know that you did not come to totter nor hypocrisy but I fear you died in vein. Jacob my friend, I can feel it. You are with God, your brother Isaiah and your Mother. Maybe my Father is shaking his head at you now the way he used to when we were just boys. Those days seemed to last forever and ever. I tried turning the hands on the clock back but nothing happened. I prayed for The Lord to take my soul, but nothing happened. You must be dead though, you have to be. The last stitch, it has gone through your nose. If you were still alive you would have jumped or punched someone in the face, but you didn't. You just stayed still. You are no longer alive and inside I am dead. My heart is empty. Goodbye my friend. I’ll miss you.”
She Is Missing Me – “There is no way to write home when onboard a ship. I think about my Mother a lot, being alone without my Father there to yell at.”
The Might Of The Ocean - Oh the might of the ocean. Oh the might of the ocean! Wow for the earth and for the sea. Wow for those that do not know the ropes that be and wow to thee that hath no faith in me.
The Last Stitch Part II - Down you go, swallowed by the sea. Down you go, my regards to heaven for me. Down you go. The creatures they may feed. Down you go, another planted seed.
Dreams Of Egypt – “I loved Egypt. The smells, the sights and sounds, however, recently I have been having nightmares. I dream that we are in the dead of night, still on the Nile, but something seems to quiet. I feel something from those dark waters will jump out and destroy us. Without warning, a wave of frigates creeps up on us and prepares to open fire. My nightmare ends about here. I wake up in a sweat. I do not know why I have such dreams. Egypt is vibrant, beautiful and will always have a place in my heart. We are sailing home. I should not be worried.”
Home At Dawn - We think we have a nights sailing ahead until we can see home. The rush of tasting that sweet air again fills me with joy, sadness and a longing I have never had before. I long for this more than wanting to see my Father alive again, even Jacob. This journey has put priorities in a different order. Perhaps I will feel different when I stand on the soil of my birth again. A week ago we ran alongside a clipper from England. The crew on board told us news of improvements to sanitation and health. Apparently a lot of common illnesses have subsided and crawled into the night forever. There are rumors that since I have been away, an amazing invention has just started pushing its way into mainstream travel and industry. Steam Power! The harnessing of boiling water creating pressure which gives us a new kind of energy. It is apparently going to take over the world. Ships will no longer have sails, horses will reside to just farmers and hunters. There is an inventor, Robert Lewis Stephenson. He has designed a concept of travel called a locomotive. We will apparently travel in coaches using rails and pulled by horses of iron. I sailed from the old world into the new. I was one of the last who took this journey. I was never a prisoner of war nor prisoner of the sea. I am one who knows how it feels to be truly free.
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Denise L. @DL7855