FAUN, from Germany, combines medieval & ancient instruments with modern influences to create an enchanting and powerful pagan Celtic/Nordic atmosphere. The band formed in 2002. The members are: Oliver S. Tyr: Vocals - Irish bouzouki, Nyckelharpa, Mandocello - Celtic Harp, Saz, Tar, Guitar and various Lutes. Fiona Rüggeberg - Vocals, Bagpipes, Flutes, Rebab, Recorder, Fujara, Seljefloit, Harmonium, Chalumeaux and Pommer. Katja Moslehner – Vocals and Percussion, Stephan Groth - Vocals, Hurdy-Gurdy, Cistern and Whistles, Rüdiger Maul -Darabouka, Davul, Bendir, Tamborello, Riq, Berimbao and other percussion instruments and Niel Mitra - Computer Sampler and Synthesizer.

The band coined the term "Pagan Folk" for one style of their concerts to express their own bond with nature. Faun's repertoire ranges from melancholic ballads to exuberant dances. Historical tunes are set to music from various periods and regions. They also create a lot of their own compositions. Faun is a prime example of Mittelalter music, a German musical style mixing medieval folk and folk metal. The lyrics originate from very different languages. Some would describe their music as being odd and beautiful, powerful and delicate...very enjoyable especially if you like history, unusual instruments, medieval moments, spiritual surprises, fantasy and science fiction books and art. While often billed as "dark" or "pagan" it's really enlightening and soothing as folk music of the Celtic.
The first song is ‘This Cold Night’ - ‘Diese kalte Nacht’. The wind is blowing. The night is cold. Open up your love for I don’t want to feel this cold anymore. Your lover stands out in the moonlight. The door is locked and he hasn’t a key to get inside. She finally opens the door for him to come inside and gives him seven kisses.

‘Pearl' - “She was seen once and then no more. Only by Eden’s light, she was seen at a glance as she crossed the meadow’s floor. Spring seemed to smile and then no more. What happened to the magic? Peace is wrecked on Beauty’s shore. Heal this heart. “A beautiful fusion of many instruments. A haunting melodic voice telling of this tragedy.
‘Iyansa’ - starts with a deep horn and a flute. In comes the hurdy gurdy giving the song a background drone as the voices and drum draw you in deeper. Hardly any English words are spoken throughout this song but only invoking the name of ‘Iyansa, that Iyansa’.
‘Andro’ – An ancient bagpipe, drums and then the drone of the hurdy gurdy. The pipe played matches the gown that is worn. The setting is very Medieval Celtic. The costumes fit the style. The instruments bring back the old. A guitar brings the melody along.
‘Wind & Geige’ – is a powerful song using a violin of old. Many instruments hold this tune while voices sing engagingly.
Inside in the Hall sang a violin,
She sang of love, so wild, so blind.
Outside, the wind through the branches sang:
"What are you doing, man?"
Inside in the Hall sang the violin:
"I want happiness, I want happiness!"
Outside, the wind through the branches sang:
"It's the old piece."
Inside in the Hall sang the violin:
"And it's old, it's new for me."
Outside, the wind through the branches sang:
"Already some died of remorse."
The last violin tone faded,
The Windows were pale and blind.
But long it sang and sang
in the dark forest of the wind.

Be drawn into the atmosphere and their ancient tunes. For more information about this band go to:
Denise L. @DL7855