John Tracy, from Charlottesville, Virginia, is a national charting artist attracting attention from all over the music video programming spectrum, including video on-demand, multi-market, retail pool, content providers and internet programmers, being shown in prominent retailers, nightclubs and restaurants in the US and Canada. It is clear that John Tracy is an artist who serves as an inspiration for all walks of life, offering a perspective in his songwriting that is different than most and much more relatable to a wider audience. He has studied the craft of songwriting with some of the industry’s best including Don Henry, Ellis Paul and Steve Seskin.

Laying his soul bear and openly sharing his experiences, he has earned the reputation as a lyricist who cuts right to the heart of the matter, impacting us with each word and note. His dedicated effort to giving each song something sonic and unique which makes listening to his body of work a delight to the ears. With a vocal delivery smooth and warm, John’s voice has a timbre that calms the spirit and allows the heart to hear the depth of his lyrics. Having shared his music on an international level at events across the US and Europe, he is a seasoned performer. His shows leave you inspired, like time spent with an old friend.

John's latest single is called 'Midnight Moon' - All the trouble in the world is keeping us from happiness. It wants to hide our peace. When the midnight moon comes out, it hides all the doom and gloom giving us strength again.

Stylistically, John Tracy’s original music draws on his influences from folk, blues and acoustic rock, adding modern elements and mixing in themes that make his music relevant to all of us on this human journey. Unlike many solo performers, his acoustic guitar mastery in using intricate chord structures in his finger-picked melodies produces a full sound. That coupled with the real life themes in the lyrics of his songs fully engages an audience. John’s unassuming nature makes his delivery captivating. He is the consummate entertainer, leaving a lasting impression on his listeners. To find out more about John go to:
Denise L. @DL7855 2017