Jef was born in Ottawa, Canada and raised in the small village of Delta. After about 5 years of performing part-time, he turned to this profession full time in his early twenties. After working his first seven years as a backup player for some of Canada's top country artists, the results were numerous nationwide tours (including Europe) and radio/TV appearances. Jef was the original singer/front man for popular Ontario trio group called Ambush, which included a few album releases & Caribbean tours. He left after 7 years to pursue a solo career. During that time he produced over 30 albums in a personal recording studio for a wide variety of Ontario acts and organizations, releasing many on his own record label, Chancellor Music.
Some collaborators along the way included Barry Brown, Cyril Rawson, Colin Amey, Jeff Callery, Shawn McCullough, Tim Taylor, Anita Perras and Jaimie Vernon.

Jef's first EP came out in 2005 titled 'Deliberate Asperity'. His first album, 'play stop rewind fast-forward: vol. 1', of archived demos made its debut in 2012. His second EP, '10 x 10 Suite Vol. 1', showcased 10 comedic micro-songs which were released in 2015. 'Taller in Real Life', his second EP, came out in 2016. He released some cover tracks by Klaatu, The Diodes and The Beatles over the years and 2 separate singles called, 'The A-Frame (Homage à Oldfield)' and 'Steven at the Beer Store'. As an innovator he created, hosted & produced the Amherst Island Radio program 'Eastern Ontario Playlist' for CJAI-FM in 2014-2016. Jef is currently performing across Ontario promoting his new album, 'Taller in Real Life', and is producing albums from his home just outside of Marmora, Ontario.
Anything Like Me - Country blues. Newscast then a song. When you look in the mirror, who is it staring back at you? When talking to his reflection, he wonders if a certain lady still loves him. the characters are having fun.
How She Looks - She has a special way about her. Everybody loves her. It's the way she looks at the world using different perspectives.
I Could Have Told Her That - Saying the right thing at the right time does make a difference in getting the response that you want. Someone else wants her instead.
One In Every Crowd - There's more to a crazy friend than meets the eye. He seems to always cause trouble. There's one in every crowd.
Get Her From There - Let go of the person you were so you can be the best of who you want to be. This is how you will get her love.

Trouble With Clichés - Instead of texting or using a phone, write a note on a piece of paper with your own thoughts instead of using boring clichés.
5 O'Clock Shadow at 9 - Losing yourself to alcohol is no excuse for being lonesome. Take care of yourself instead of drinking your baby goodbye.
How Did You Do That - Thinking that life will always be the same until she put a smile on your face. You changed his life with love.
Won't Take Much To Keep - He gave up his vices to keep from living in the past. He needs a master plan for a simple man to keep his life on track for the future.
Everybody Knows His Name - He's a good friend and is known through his connections. He's loyal and will help anybody out.

Mr. Moon (With Marlene Leeson) - She asks the moon if she has found Mr. Right and finds she has him found. He tells Mister Moon he's found the woman he's been waiting for.
Some Good Boots - Walking in his son's footsteps while spending time with him makes the time together all worthwhile. He lead the way into his own dreams.
I'll Be There (With Steve O'Connor) - When the world seems dark all around you. He will be the sun that lights the way. He'll be there in times of trouble and to help lead you on.

Life stories through the good times and the bad. Some live; some studio. Contemporary with country blues and pop. To find out more about Jef got to:

Denise L. @DL7855 2017