Bad Mood formed in Liverpool in late 2015 due to a shared indulgence of apathy towards modern society. These feelings were brought about by the shit, debris and ash swept up from the streets, after another protest in the name of the will of the people, which made them feel a bit disenfranchised. A lot of the lyrics and music are angry, sarcastic and high energy which is how they all are. This allows them, as the band itself, to release their pent up sentimental disgust.

Liam is from Wales, as is Tom. Davey is from Ireland which is apt as Liverpool has a great tradition and history encouraged by Irish and Welsh diaspora. They have just become this latest generation to add to it. Andy has a far flung past too. He grew up in India. Tom and Liam, having been in bands together for some time now, have a natural chemistry. They met Andy, as he’s a well-known recording engineer, and Davey through other musical friends. It’s really a unique mix.

When thinking of band names they were close to calling themselves the ‘Big Unit Agricultural Regime’ which they all thought was a riot of boredom. Liam also remembered another favourite which was ‘the Treehouse Lectures’. "If anyone is after band names….. come to us"!
Having interesting jobs over the years, their work has ranged from park warden, computer games tester, working in soup kitchens, a grave digger, methadone scripting etc. Now it’s just a matter of guessing who did what.
There used to be a place called the Cabin, a decent place to hang out, in Liverpool. Its insides remained unchanged since around the 50s. This place hosted awesome bands that played great music, sort of garage rock and 70s punk. It’s since been closed down and is now being deconstructed into flats. Their present hang out is at the Good Grapes or Ye Crack, maybe . . . . Between the 3 of them, their spare time is spent writing new songs. They then take what they've composed to Andy for further analysis.
They had recorded their E.P. before deciding to play their first gig. This was always thought of as an interesting way to tackle it. In reality, they've consider themselves a backwards kind of band. Bad Mood recorded this song in their second home which is Crash Studios in the centre of Liverpool with drummer producer Andy at the mixing desk .
They then recorded their debut video, released in January, for a song called May 2nd. A videographer, under the moniker of 'Power 2 the Pixel', was used as he’s local and good at what he does. Local artists are great to work with as it encourages a homegrown scene.
As someone once said, "The future is their oyster" .
May 2nd

Triumph in meddling. Heated remains.
Psychedelic angst, erupting explosions and going against the grain. To find out more about this band go to:
Denise L. @DL7855 2016