About Denise

To contact me go to my 'Home' page. 'Contact' is underneath 'Home'. You can also go to:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/DL7855
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/dl7855media/
To get to my new review web page go to:
All the best,
I'm Denise Lawrence from New Hampshire USA. I search for new bands from all Nations far and wide Celtic and beyond. My specialties are media, reviews and writing pins on Pinterest for each band that I feel has the potential of becoming more. Within each pin, I write a small summary of the band and the links to all of their band's websites. It's small, compact and a great addition to their press kits.
I used to work for another company without pay. The company and my values ended up not being compatible so I left, keeping my Twitter and Review website titles and am now working on my own. It is just me. I don't have any employees. I am very passionate about my work and love what I do. At this point, since I don't pay myself, I write reviews to help any artist/band receive more recognition. All I ask in return is a physical CD or a digital download of your work especially in order to give the best summary of their songs. If a time ever came where I am recognized and am wanted to be hired by a prestigious company, I will give it strong and careful consideration.
My location gives me an edge on accepting bands from the USA and from other cultures. When bands request me to, I write full reviews of their upcoming or current CDs which are then featured onto my review site. I also help bands reach their goals by providing them with information on how to tour and get their music played on radio stations in the USA and other countries. Feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to help you, your band and your talent get more notice towards, with and for the public/audience.