Dovile Lee
Dovile Lee, originally from Lithuania, has now been living in Ennis, Ireland for the last 14 years. She is married to her Irish soulmate and has 3 beautiful children. Having the gift of playing piano her love of music started when she was 6 years old. Singing harmonies with her mom was her daily routine. Her dream of becoming a singer has finally materialized. Dovile's career in music started with teaching piano and also by being a Wedding Singer and Pianist for 5 years traveling throughout Ireland. In January 2017 Dovile started to record her own original material with lyrics coming from her and some from her husband. Between the two they wanted to share their experiences with others in the hope of helping people through dark times.

Understanding they were examples of coming out from the other side of depression, addictions and difficult times in their lives they felt the need, within their hearts, to share this with others. Her music gives a place of solace.

Dovile is a New Age artist who immerses her voice into a stream full of haunting and mystic currents. Fans have described her as, "the next Amy Lee" or "Evanescence meets Enya". Dovile's music has such a powerful and emotional impact on someone's senses that it makes her unique in the New Age genre.
Dovile has collaborated with George Micansky at The French Quarter Studio's (Producing & Mixing), Richard Dowling @wavmastering and Niall Coley Greenflash Productions (Cinematography) on her new single "My Fairytale" which was released on Tuesday 8th August 2017. Her debut EP titled "My Fairytale" will be coming out in November 2017.
My Fairytale - "This is your song written by me. I've tried to tell you but I couldn't. Every day I cry but I keep it in. Wishing I could trust you not to run. . . ." Gentle music from the soul with piano. Urging through the pain from within.

Haunting and mystical. Powerful emotional impact. Alt rock. Progressive contemporary. Inspiring. To find out more about Doville Lee go to:
Denise L. @DL7855 2017