Chris Sluka
Chris is from Seattle, Washington moved to New York and is currently living in San Diego, California. Born near Seattle, Christopher enjoyed a multinational upbringing as he was raised all around the world, with his family never spending more than a couple of years in any one location – a life experience that is evident in his cosmopolitan musical compositions. At the start of his career, performing on the New York Club scene, he found himself in the same melting pot with artists such as Tears For Fears, INXS, Talk Talk and Simple Minds. But after recording a single in Los Angeles (with Cat Gray who worked extensively with Prince), he found an appreciative audience in Japan, where he went on to release a further two albums. His body of work includes the critically acclaimed Emotional Battlefield, Fear of Ordinary Life, A Matter of Perception, Solo Flight and, more recently, Introversions. Over the years, Christopher’s visionary style has developed and matured – always remaining enigmatic, yet keeping a focus on creative songwriting, while cultivating an international reputation for his enthralling "live" performances. That stagecraft has allowed Christopher to map a career where he has been able to sell-out venues for his concert performances, often using those enthusiastic audiences to mark the release of his records.

Critical demand has also resulted in Christopher enjoying numerous television appearances, memorable radio interviews and excellent press reviews, wherever he has traveled and performed. He has gained immeasurable experience from his passion for performing "live", to which he credits the strength of his powerful yet sensitive voice, as well as inspiration for his songwriting. Of course, Chris hasn't achieved this success all by himself; he has been fortunate to work with some of the most talented musicians in the business, many of whom have become lifelong friends. And although he has been gifted enough to be compared to icons such as David Bowie and The Beatles, he has also been compared to more contemporary artists such as Coldplay, Radiohead, The Killers, and even the ethereal Sigur Ros. In addition to his uniquely accessible music, Christopher is also a globally renowned visual artist and his surrealistic oil paintings have graced wall space in galleries from New York to San Diego, and Tokyo to Milan. Away from the arts, he is an avid distance runner. And when he doesn’t have his feet on terra firma, Christopher is an accomplished aircraft pilot (Jet type-rated) who is hoping to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Dickinson, the legendary aviator who fronts the world’s biggest heavy rock act, Iron Maiden.

Chris's latest release is called COLORFUL RADIATION. He plays all the instruments within the recording which include the guitar, piano, drums, bass, violin, trumpet, trombone, French horn, ukulele and synthesizer. "An abstract revolutionary , Sluka has the aptitude and attitude to create mellifluous masterful orchestrations larger than life to accompany his powerful lyrical messages in this 10 track masterpiece." ~ Eileen Shapiro
Number One - A strange tunnel tone sound with an added ukulele. A gentle breezy tune that goes all out rock. We make the sun rise. We make it shine. We know God's on our side. We're number one. . . . .
Virga - A harmonic radiation sounds. A piano plays a rhythmic tune. Electronics radiate in between giving a dream vision. The music becomes fuller with rocking pop. Virga falling over me. Virga streaming down in sheets. Rain rain on me. . . . .
Rise - Prolonged keys of an organ then breathing. The sounds are blended. A tight sparkling guitar plays a melody. Add the drums. A fuller sound erupts making the song complete with more added instruments. When looks don't count. When wheels won't work. It's the distant lights. A mad slide jerk. The redneck blues where black is night. . . . .

Tease Me - Echoing electronic voices then a piano plays a happy tune. The notes then become sad in a minor tone. An electronic wind blows through as being swept in a wave. Drums start to become prominent in beat with the bass. Tease me to my lowest levels. Free me from my highest teeth in the horrors. . . . .
A Mode of Joy - Wind and the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore. A slow and steady piano tune begins and the ocean fades away and just faintly. Walk on the water. Feel the gift of the sands. I fall in the ocean head and hands. The lives we've forgotten . . . .
Slinging Slights - A moderately upbeat tempo changing chords with guitar. I was slinging slights all over the room. I thought that's what you wanted. It's all I ever flaunted. . . . .
Arpeggiate - Piano upon piano variations of notes at a fast clip. A fuller richer band sound is added. The music picks up speed. Electronic waves weave within. Look at those people. Look what they've done. Solving their problems. Having fun. . . . .

Cold War - Sound of bombs and Morse code signals. Faint vocal communications. Hard and slow piano chords with electronics emerging into the song staying in the background. Cold war. Cold war. Weird wild weather vane. High strung to entertain. It falls down into the clearing. . . . .

Metaphor - A piano tune. Find a metaphor for all we hear. Find a metaphor for all we fear. How? We'll never know what is really real. How? We'll never know. How? We'll never know. . . . .
Syncopated dance-able grooves. His music is affected by true Gothic style. He morphs his moodiness. Melancholy yet melodic rock. Listen to all of the songs on the Bandcamp link below. To find out more about Sluka go to:

Denise L. @DL7855 2017