Silent Forum is from Cardiff, Wales. Before Silent Forum, they were a fun indie rock band called How I Faked The Moon Landing. The band changed their name in 2015 after hitting upon a darker sound. Kevin McGrath, who is also from Wales, writes blogs and is a contributor to Wales Arts Review, PopMatters, From the Margins, Buzz, New Sound Wales & Mystic Avenue. He had this to say about the band, "Although I have fallen in love with the group since catching a gig of their's completely by chance a year ago , they remain massively under appreciated. Not only are they still unsigned, they barely get anything more than support slots in Cardiff, despite picking up some airplay on local stations recently. Their front man, Richard Wiggins, is an utterly fascinating performer - a cross between Ian Curtis, Sam Herring, Marcel Marceau and Bez from the Happy Mondays if you can believe it." The members of the band are: Richard Wiggins - vocals, Oli Richards - bass, Aaron Wood - guitar, Dario Ordi - guitar and Elliot Samphier - drums.

Here is a short clip showing an example of Richard's showmanship. It was published on Nov 18, 2017. He is one of the most animated, energetic and idiosyncratic performers as he cavorts around the stage and makes his way in and out of the crowd. A live show is a must with this band. With the help of this and more reviews about them, they can make their way further out than the local Wale's crowd. I'm sure they are loved by those who've known and have gone to see them so far. . . . . For the moment, though, Richard remains the best-kept secret in Welsh pop.
Silent Forum have played festivals with bands like Everything Everything, Melt Yourself Down, Mclusky and Metronomy. They have also supported Tall Ships, Menace Beach and Acide Mothers Temple. At this time they are playing at local venues. One was an electrifying gig at the Cathay’s Youth and Community Centre, where the group made the most of its enforced communion with the audience, winning over any doubters present by sheer force of personality.
The band's latest album called SANCTUARY is melodically haunting but beautiful. The music draws you in and holds you there, mesmerized, until you feel free to exhale from fear of missing its rich presentation. You can actually imagine Richard's movements as his voice carries you through to the next song. Four tracks are included.

When I See You Shake - Short intensity working into drums. The intensity becomes dream shapes in its melody; jumbled, shaky yet steady. 'Your Love, it matters to me. I need support above all else - security. ‘Cause you were starting to heal And I would nurture this feeling This feeling. . . . .'
Humility - The guitar plays moments of anxiety, of what will happen next and what you have to accept in order to accomplish the events in one's life. Beautiful movements become everyday tasks. 'It comes to mind at times like this. This is chronic loneliness. The space in the bed, a reminder. No need to wash the sheets today. . . . .'
Who's Going To Side With Me? - Guitar playing in short staccatos as if saying, "Which side are you going to choose? Who will you believe?" 'She’s not listening. Feeling hopeless, she’s overwhelmed. Her mind is shattered, there’s a sadness. Slipping away again. If I could help it. Some peace of mind, she just feels slow all the time. . . . . But who’s going to side with me? Once the story’s out and Who’s going to side with me? Once she’s twisted my words? . . . .'
Hosanna - Perfect sad guitar rhythm going into a full band sound. 'A hard stab in the heart of me, you’re so cold. A brittle, broken, no emotion, no hope. . . . .'
The band is currently writing their debut album which they will begin recording in February of 2018. They are recording with Charlie Francis who has worked with R.E.M. and Future of the Left. He has also worked with local Welsh bands like Beach Fatigue who Silent Forum adore.

Indie noir. Shadowy post punk. Melodically driven. Locked into grooves which are pushed to their logical emotional extremes. Sonic intensity. To find out more about Silent Forum and to listen to all of their songs go to:

Denise L. @DL7855 2017