BAD MOOD are originally from Wales and Ireland. One of the band members grew up in India. They are announcing the release of their debut album 'A VICTORY FOR PROPAGANDA'. After head-turning performances around the country and the release of three stand-alone singles/videos, the north west based four piece's new release will be out at the end of summer 2018.

Formed from the shit, debris and ash swept up from the streets after another protest in the name of all people, BAD MOOD has arrived. With immediate lyrics and kitchen-sink delivery the post-punk art rockers have been busy being exposed to England's reluctant city, Liverpool, and are ready to come up for some Orwellian air.
Suspension - Distorted rhythm. 'I found reason and it's working. But why does it make me feel so alone? . . . . And you question are you worth this and why does it make me feel so alone? . . . . '
Products - Organ build up then defiance. 'Na. Na na na na na. Na! Na na na na na na. Na na na na na na. It's hard to see the real world, shit stained view number one. How do you relate to me or I you. . . . . '
Tamechange - Rock rush. 'I'm at home, the one I chose. I see the all day, at night repose. . . . .'
Neon City - Busy rock buzz. 'Look at the city... broken buildings, neon homes and corporate zones. Ride through on a breeze. Tell me are you on your own, on your way home. . . . . '

The Rays- Rock on a mission. 'With these times and in need, you're walking down the street you live with icy feet. In your place is it warm? Doctor's pills and heating bills you can't afford. . . . . '
Slave Ship - Drums and bass. Guitars and electronic space are added for a richer sound. 'I woke up to the sound of screams, will this ship carve its way beneath? Shackled by the legs inside, the prison whip has lost his mind. . . . . '
Insomniac - Cool but straining rock. 'A morning rise, a cornflake day. Over the other side, the bombs they rain a hail. Check into work, and slave away. No matter how much you earn the grey will always stay . . . . '

Hole In The Head - Mind blowing electronical rock. Great rhythm. 'Everybody's got a hole in their head tonight. I can see right through your mind. Everybody is bad at something. . . . . '
You Can't Go Far Right - Sharp rock statements. 'The witch is gone and you rang the bell. Dance on the grave and sent her down to hell. But you don't know the truth about your queen. . . . . '
Ya Missed It - Crazy carnival director putting on a theme show. Great rock. 'Oh but ya missed it! .. Oh but ya missed it! .. 'Welcome to the new world, you're sure to be amazed. Plug in at here. Oh but ya missed it! .. Yes we have your money I mean all that it can buy. In this life there's no hurry. Oh but ya missed it! .. . . . . '
Tell Me - Fast staccato rock. No pressure.... 'Tell me what to read. Tell me what to wear. Tell me who to see. Tell me why I'm here. Tell me who to see. Tell me what to think and tell me when to speak. Tell me it's the truth, that I'm living proof. . . . . '

Expect tales of armchair kings, back alley killers and the nine-to-five insomniac. With a sound that carves a line somewhere between insight and plain aggression, BAD MOOD have decided that subtlety can be dispensed with. Alt rock. Triumph in meddling. Heated remains. Psychedelic angst, erupting explosions and going against the grain. To find out more about this band go to:
Denise L. @DL7855 2018